Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Good prior to stressful situations. Use this before you leave your home or before a gathering at your home.
We live in a world of frequency and vibration. Our bodies are made up of trillions of atoms that move in and out of “phase” on the quantum level in what we perceive as day-to-day reality. Everything vibrates at various levels of existence. Frequency is not just something we hear. We can also feel this energy if we are paying attention.
For some folks, this energy is picked up by their senses. The outer ones such as see, hear, smell, taste & touch are used in tandem with the inner knowing and feeling. If we are aware of energy around us, we may not respond correctly to a situation when we are overwhelmed by it. It can be difficult to distinguish between our experience and someone else until we learn to detach from others’ vibrations. Have you ever walked into a room full of people and suddenly feel angry or anxious when you were fine just moments before? You may be picking up on the vibration and frequency of the emotions displayed by the people there instead of your own internal feelings.
Until we become adept at separating ourselves from others’ unwanted energetic vibration, we may need to protect our personal field so we can feel better as we go about in the world. This action doesn’t cut us off from feeling empathy, love, or affection for people, like being in a sound-proof room. It is more like an umbrella where you know it is raining but your clothes do not get wet by it.
Empaths feel others’ emotions and state of mind all the time. They feel it strongly in their body where it can have adverse effects on their wellbeing. When they are able to control this gift, it can be a useful tool in energy work, mediumship, and psychic experiences. Discipline is needed to learn to “turn it off” until you intend to use it. Being wide open to an influx of emotions is draining on the person who is empathic.
Do you have problems with other people’s emotions and energy? Are you Empathic? This ritual will help protect you from unwanted energetic influences and help you pay attention to what you are feeling versus what emotions belong to others.
Standing with legs slightly apart
Start with 2 deep breaths in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth.
Bring hands to chest with palms together.
Lift hands above your head together then spread them apart,
Stretch them out to your sides and finally down in front of you to lift back up to your chest with palms together.
Say these words as you do these motions with intention and authority:
By intention, I ask Creator of all/Universal love/Source/God-Goddess to clear all energies and entities that are not for my highest good.
I submerge myself in a pool of Divine Love
I place a bubble of white (pink, lavender, or violet) light around me where only love may enter.
Thank you!
It is done, it is done, it is done!
Being intentional in this work is key. Energetically protecting yourself is no different than carrying a gun in terms of intentionality. To carry a gun for protection you would check the chamber, carry extra ammunition, and have the training to use it for its intended purpose. Protecting your energy from extra-sensory vibrations that could drain you or cause harm is important for those who experience these situations. Using this ritual before you go out in the world or invite others to your home may help you cope with feeling others\’ unwanted emotions. Intentionally protecting yourself allows you to enjoy being with people and not feel emotionally drained.
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Order Now for $9.99 — Published December 26th, 2021.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online bookstores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
*Daisha, The Bahamian Story-Teller, was my character study written for my writing group. Darren is also my character only written for this story. All of us introduced a character, with their own backstory. We each wrote a story using as many other people’s characters as we could. Stay tuned for Part Two of The Three Hour Tour.
\”Come on, Daisha! Why won\’t you marry me?\” begs Darren as they pull away from the dock. He waited until they were going out to sea to bring up the subject. Daisha was known to walk away from personal confrontations in the past. He was taking no chances.
\”Darren! You promised! I am marrying no one, do you hear me? If I did not need you to take me to Robert Cay for my aunt, I would jump off this boat! Now just do your job and leave off the proposals,\” admonished Daisha for the umpteenth time since she met Darren. He was a sweetheart, but marriage was not on her mind at this point in her life. He knew that, but yet he pushed.
\”Ah, well. You can\’t blame me\” Darren said as he deftly maneuvered the tour boat out into the lane. \”I had to make my move before I picked up the tourists from the pier. I won\’t have a moment alone with you after that,\” he winked his dark eye at her as he looked over his muscular mahogany shoulder.
Daisha smiled in spite of herself and decided that Darren was an incorrigible flirt. She would have him no other way. Since being childhood friends and much in each other\’s company, it was difficult to switch off the friend mode and switch on a potential love interest for her, even from Darren.
They rode the gentle waves toward the pier where his passengers would be. His Island Tour business was taking off in a big way since he hired that agent to market for him. Some of his fares did not look the tourist type, but it paid the bills and then some when they had a mind to tip well.
\”Swing out the line, Daisha while I snug her up to the dock,\” ordered Darren. \”Aye, aye, Captain!\” Daisha merrily called back and threw out the rope before she jumped to the dock to tie it up for embarkation. \”I swear you\’re a better sailor than my regular crew. Are you sure you won\’t marry me?\” Darren teased one more time. Daisha shook her head at his insistence.
\”Welcome aboard the Damsel, ladies, and gentlemen! My First Mate will collect your tickets and help you get settled. Watch your step. That\’s right. Yes, ma\’am, the lady\’s room is below deck.\” Darren answered as eight paying tourists stepped aboard for the Three Hour Tour of the Exuma Cays his agent booked for him. Today was shaping up to be a profitable venture.
\”Miss? My wife, Gertrude, needs the lady\’s room. She is not feeling well.\” requested the thick-built middle-aged gentleman for the woman at his side. She had a green cast to her pale complexion as she hung limply on his arm. \”Yes, of course. Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez?\” At his nod, Diasha took the woman below murmuring soothing words of comfort.
\”We are newly married!\” Mr. Rodriguez announced to his shipmates close by. A man in a gray pin-stripe suit looked up from his i-phone to incline his head in acknowledgment. The woman seated near him smiled and nodded her head. Rodriguez was intrigued with her tattoos and spiky hair. Young people these days, he thought and began to explore the deck scouting out a cozy, quiet spot for himself and Gertrude when she returned.
\”The wind seems to be picking up,\” observed a woman with a pixie face and short dark hair near the stern. Another passenger walked up to the rail beside her and looked down at the water.
\”Water has a greasy look. \”ppears like a storm\’s a\’comin\’,\” she said. The older sun-tanned woman held out her hand, \”My name\’s May Belle. What\’s yours?\” The pixie woman turned to take her hand and replied, \”Name\’s Megan, Megan Holly. This is my first time in the Caribbean. How about you?\”
\”Oh, I\’ve been a few times, when my boys took me along with their families. I\’m here to meet up with one of \’em, but they won\’t be here \’til tomorrow. Thought I\’d take a ride around the islands without them grandkids pulling me this way and that. They\’re a handful, they are. Bless their souls,\” she smiled as she said it while looking out over the water. Megan nodded her head and grinned at the picture May Belle had painted of her family. Both women seemed happy just to feel the sun and wind on their faces.
Daisha returned with Gertrude and guided her to where Mr. Rodriguez was waiting for her. He gently assisted his new wife onto a comfortable bench out of the wind, sun, and away from people. They set up their belongings so that they could have space for themselves for the duration of the tour.
\”Miss! My name is Adam Patterson. Here\’s my ticket,” he said as he handed the card to Daisha. “I wondered if you were giving a running narrative of the tour we have embarked on or are you only the First Mate?\” teased Adam as he dimpled his cheek and leaned back against the bulkhead near the stairs. Daisha knew his kind. Rich, handsome, and knows it. He was a paying customer though, and she was helping Darren today, not fending off would-be admirers at the Straw Market.
\”The captain will be guiding you all on this trip. He grew up on the ocean and knows these cays like the back of his hand. I\’m sure his \”running narrative\” will satisfy your curiosity about the area. Excuse me. I must see to the other passengers,\” she said in her lilting voice as she brushed past him to speak to the ladies leaning on the rail. Adam watched her go and talk to each person as she collected their tickets. He admired her hips swaying in rhythm with the boat.
\”Sir? May I have your ticket?\” asked Daisha as the man handed his ticket to her. \”Saul Pender,\” she read on the small piece of cardstock, \”Welcome aboard, Mr. Pender. If you need anything, please don\’t hesitate to ask,\” she said as she stepped back toward the center of the deck where the passengers had gathered.
\”My name is Daisha, and this is Capt. Darren. Welcome to The Damsel\’s three-hour tour of the Exuma Cays. We will be serving some light refreshments in an hour. You are free to walk about the deck or go below to the lavatory if you need. The captain will be telling you all about the islands after we get out to sea.\” Daisha turned to walk up to Darren at the helm. The passengers found a spot to watch the departing land or chat with their neighbor as the little boat plied the water to begin their journey.
Darren scanned the horizon as he carefully navigated the smaller tour boat around the larger cruise ships docked in Nassau harbor. He had done this many times before but was always alert for danger. He picked up the radio handset and pressed the side button to alert the harbormaster of his departure.
\”Do you smell that? I bet that storm near Puerto Rico is heading this way,\” predicted Darren. \”Check the scanner and see what they\’re saying about the weather, will ya?\” Daisha opened the scanner and looked over the forecast. \”Darren, they\’re saying it\’s already turned and heading for us. Maybe three days tops. We may see some rain soon, even if it is a small storm. Should we head back?\” she worriedly asked.
\”No. I think we will be fine. Alert the passengers we may run into a spell of rain, but it shouldn\’t be much. Is it about time to bring out the refreshments? Let\’s do that now in case it gets a bit rough out in deep water,\” advised Darren.
Daisha left to take care of the people scattered across the deck enjoying their ride. \”Ms. Davis? Ms. Severino? Would you like a drink or something to eat? I have a small buffet and bar set up near the stern if you would like to join the others,\” offered Daisha as she gathered the people near the back of the boat for a bite to eat.
\”All the \”Ms\” stuff is so formal. Just call us Eleanor and Kate,\” said Eleanor as she looked at the tall, lean woman at her side for confirmation. \”Yes! Please do,\” agreed Kate as they walked to where everyone was gathering.
Mr. Pender strolled from the bow where he was examining the boats at anchor to the stern to pour a drink at the bar. He glanced at the other passengers and dismissed them for the moment from his mind. In another hour they would be near Robert Cay. His associates would rendezvous with the boat. He would pass on the message, and no one would be the wiser. He would be home in time for Betsy\’s birthday party. This would finally be his last paycheck. He would be free. Nothing could go wrong now.
The waves were getting choppy, and the wind had freshened. In the distance, you could see rain off the bow. They were heading right for it, but it would take a while. Darren glanced at his watch. He calculated the time remaining for the tour and the approximate ETA of the heavy weather he saw. They would be heading back to the harbor before it hit. He timed it well.
Megan chatted with Adam near the starboard railing. \”I get a kick out of all those high school kids. They may think I\’m an old fogy, but I\’d take a bullet for any one of them,\” she reminisced as Adam plied his charm on this seemingly unsuspecting female. She wore a gold chain with a diamond charm and a key around her slender neck. Old habits die hard as he scoped out his fellow passengers for something worth pilfering. Only for fun, of course.
\”He keeps eyeing the charm Nan gave me,\” thought Megan as she chatted and joked with this too-handsome fellow she just met. Her senses were alert. Her nose twitched at his expensive cologne. What is this man, who\’s obviously slumming, doing with us peons on a boat like this? This guy bore careful observation.
\”Mr. Rodriguez, is your wife feeling better?\” asked Eleanor when he approached the buffet. \”Please call me HR. She is a little better. I\’ll see if she can take some food now,\” he said as he placed choice bits on a plate. \”I am admiring your body art. Is it all done by the same person?\” HR inquired.
\”Yes. My brother did these. He is quite talented and in demand now. He did all these before he became famous,\” she said with a little laugh, \”if I want one now, I have to make an appointment!\” She chuckled at the thought. HR laughed with her then carried the plate to his waiting wife.
\”I really like that Tree of Life,\” Kate admired as she pointed to Eleanor\’s right shoulder. \”I have not dared to get any kind of tattoo. Too squeamish about needles,\” she wrinkled her nose as she took a long drink of water and sat down on a nearby bench. The boat seemed to be rocking more she thought.
\”What brings you to the islands, Mr. Patterson? Do you have a home here?\” asked May Belle of the handsome man watching Megan intently. For all his charm, he seemed a bit predatory, like a hawk spying a tasty rabbit. He\’s bitten off more than he can chew if she hasn\’t missed her guess. Megan Holly is no fool.
Adam looked up at the sound of his name. The little country-sounding woman asked him if he lived in the Bahamas. \”No, ma\’am. I don\’t have a home here, but my family has been here many times,\” he smoothly answered. She doesn\’t move in my circles so she can\’t know people who know me, he thought and went back to concentrating on Megan and her necklace.
\”I thought you looked familiar when you got on board. Are you Richard Patterson\’s son?\” May Belle inquired.
\”Yes. I am Richard Patterson\’s son,\” Adam warily said. \”Do you know my family?\”
\”I met Richard years ago at a party on Musha Cay that David Copperfield was hosting. Susan is such a dear. I had heard you joined the firm. Your parents are awfully proud of you.\” murmured May Belle as she sipped her drink.
Adam excused himself from Megan and sidled up to the older woman. \”I don\’t believe I\’ve had the pleasure. My name is Adam, and your name is…?\” he asked. What does this woman know about him? She might just take the fun out of this pleasure cruise.
\”My name is May Belle,” she chuckled at his discomfiture, “I can see the wheels a\’turnin\’, Mr. Patterson. You\’re wonderin\’ how a woman like me could know your family much less attend a high-society social engagement.\”
\”I mean no disrespect, ma\’am. My parents have never mentioned you to my knowledge. Did you work for them in some capacity?\” he fished as he wracked his brain as to how this woman could be involved with the Patterson family, preeminent Chicago lawyers.
\”Mercy no, Mr. Patterson. My Alvie was a contractor in Ocala. We met your parents at a Topping-Out Ceremony for The Villages just south of there. Your father was the lawyer for the main investors of that planned city. My Alvie was the builder.\” she explained.
\”Your husband is Alverson James? Why he\’s famous! His company has built half of central Florida.\” exclaimed Adam, clearly impressed.
\”That\’s mostly my boys now. They took over when Alvie got sick. He passed last year. Now my boys run the business,\” a shadow passed over her face as she remembered those hard days. She missed him still, but without her family-grandchildren and all- she didn\’t know what she\’d do.
Adam sat there still a bit stunned at how small the world was. He needed a drink. What was he doing? First, he was considering lifting a trifling necklace from someone he barely knew. A person he might even like. Now this woman, like a ghost from his past, shows him how looks can deceive. He had some serious thinking to do.
Daisha looked at the scanner again. Hurricane Beryl was still on track to hit the Bahamas in a few days. The passengers were getting to know one another and enjoyed the buffet she laid out. Now they were milling around looking at the sights Darren was pointing out over the loudspeaker. She looked up at the sky and noted the clouds off the bow. This didn\’t appear as a positive sign.
\”Darren? What do you think of that bank of clouds up ahead?\” she asked when Darren had taken a break from his tour duties. \”That looks pretty ominous to me.\”
Darren studied the horizon. He looked at the scanner again then back at the sky. \”Daisha, do exactly as I tell you. Get out the life jackets and get the passengers buckled in. We\’re heading for a squall, and there\’s no way out. I\’ve got to send a distress signal.\” He turned to secure the below-deck hatch and then get the radio handset.
Daisha stood there a moment. What did Darren just say? \”Go Daisha!\” Darren yelled. She sprang into action opening the sea chest that held the life jackets. \”People! Get over here now!\” she called, \”We must all put on our life jackets. We are heading into a storm,” she saw them hesitate, “Put your life jackets on!\” she commanded. They all began to gather around her to get a jacket.
\”What\’s going on? Why do we need this? I don\’t see a storm.\” everyone was speaking at once, but thankfully they were putting on the jackets as she asked them to do. The wind was picking up, but she knew the worst was yet to come.
Darren saw that she was helping the passengers. He turned to the radio and pushed the distress button and held it for the required 3 seconds. Now the authorities will be able to find them since it transmits a signal every few minutes of the boat\’s location. He turned the dial to channel 16 then picked up the handset and pressed the side button to speak. \”MAYDAY< MAYDAY< MAYDAY- This is the Damsel 549- MAYDAY- We are at 23°37\’.34\”N 75°58\’10.37\”W near Jim Cay- We are heading into a squall and need assistance- seaworthy for the next 10 minutes- 10 passengers- We will be listening on channel 16- This is the Damsel 549- Over,\” Darren waited for an answer but knew it would be chancy at best.
Daisha handed Darren a life jacket. \”Are the passengers strapped in? You strap yourself in. I\’ll man the radio,\” he commanded as he strapped himself in the jacket and hooked it to the helm bracket with the attached cord. He sent the distress call again and braced himself for the storm that was now upon them.
Daisha had made sure everyone was strapped in near the center of the boat using the attached cords and deck brackets under the middle benches. Everyone held on and to each other as the rain and wind pelted the deck and rocked the boat like an exuberant toddler\’s toy in a bathtub. The wind and waves carried the small craft up where it was held suspended in the air for an incredible moment only to crash down into a trough as deep as they had been high just seconds before. Water splashed the already soaking wet travelers. They were jostled to and fro, banging into each other and the columns that once held the deck canopy, now long gone. With a final heavy sigh of the waves and a jerking halt to the boat, the storm passed.
A squall only lasts a minute or two, but to those in the midst of it, it seems like a lifetime. The boat had stopped rocking. In fact, it stopped moving at all and was listing to the starboard side. The rain was dying down. It was just a light shower compared to only moments before. The people were still strapped to each other and the boat deck was coming out of their storm-induced stupor.
Darren let go of the radio handset and stumbled to his feet. He looked around and marveled at the site. The others were unhooking their cords, and a few were coming to their feet. The deck was slippery and leaning over so that walking was arduous without holding on to something to keep you upright. Darren put his arm around Daisha as they stood at the rail and looked off the side of the boat. They had run aground, beached, shipwrecked on Jim Cay. The Three Hour Tour was over.
Stay-Tuned for Part Two of the Three-Hour Tour
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Thiel– You are loved. Indeed you are love itself. These messages I give to you are not just for you but for the greater world and all that inhabit it. You are a part of this world and a messenger of sorts to those in our sphere. This sphere will widen and expand as you are known by more and more. This is a good thing and not to be feared by you. You were meant to be a part of the global task force and you have been given instructions to carry out. Part of this is to put these messages on your website and speak of them to others. Do not be afraid of what they may say or think. Seeds cast wide take root in places not considered.
Now for the message for today. Look at your palm and study the lines. This is the imprint of all things. There are hills and valleys along with dips and furrows. Life is like your palm. Familiar but alien. Never noticed until dirty or hurting. Lives can be fortunate or unlucky but it is not considered until there is something to make you pay attention. Your palm remains- in service always doing its job without complaint. Look at it anew and have gratitude for it as you go about your day. It feels appreciation and it feels your disdain. Give it love and attention in the form of water, lotion, inspection, and warmth. It provides years of service. Talent is held in your hand along with destruction. Cultivate that which you desire to have in your life and it will flourish- the good and the bad as it is perceived. Be aware of what you desire and what you give energy to. For your hands will obey and you will live with the outcome. Be at peace with this and consider it.
~I met Thiel in my meditations in June of 2015 during a Gemini Full Moon while Mercury was retrograde. They indicated that they were from the 6th & 7th plane. We had 29 conversations over 3 1/2 years. Interestingly, in astrology, the 29º in any sign is considered a critical degree. One of its connotations indicates a sense of urgency. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and both are concerned with communication. It is with urgency I share these messages with you.
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
I admit to being a “go along to get along” person for much of my young life on into early adulthood. I had questions back then but did not desire to stir the pot and put myself in the light of my family\’s attention. Now that I have dumped much of my childhood trauma and baggage, I find my voice has taken wings thanks to my love of writing and the internet. I am now compelled to speak my questions in the public square, which at this time is social media and my personal blog.
Traveling on the Way-Back Machine, my questions were about the dichotomy of human nature. My inner world consisted of the stories I read beginning with fairy-tales. Why was Little Red Riding Hood allowed to travel alone through a deep black forest to visit her grandmother when I couldn\’t leave our yard? Why didn\’t the wolf of Three Little Pigs fame just go looking for easier prey? Was it his ego that wouldn\’t accept defeat even in the face of hunger? My thirst for explanations encompassed young adult fiction when childish anthropomorphic literary devices became passé.
As I matured and took interest in current events, my queries did not cease. My knowledge of how history is presented caused my investigative nature to compare and contrast what I was hearing and reading in present-day news. It seemed that there were always those who examined data bestowed by the powers-that-be in any given century. Some of these inquiring minds brought about major shifts in cultural thinking. It was quite common for these intrepid souls to be vilified and even killed for their radical inspections of prevailing wisdom. Yet, many of these ideas have taken root as time and technology advanced.
Akhenaton, the heretic Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, lived during the height of Egypt\’s imperial glory. He was believed to be the first person to promote a monotheistic religion called Atenism. Akhenaton\’s Sun God, Aten, took precedent over the polytheistic worship that much of the world accepted as correct. This shift in culture also affected the economy. Many people at the time made their living using the multiple gods\’ images and sacred properties in their goods and services. The Pharaoh preferred home life to foreign affairs, so as a consequence, the Egyptian Empire dwindled. When Akhenaton died, the priests and generals were determined to bring back normalcy to the kingdom. They re-instated the polytheistic worship the people preferred and acted as regent to the 8 yr old Tutankaumun, son of the heretic pharaoh. They then destroyed Akhenaton\’s name and likeness in many of the public places it was found, breaking with tradition in revering some previous leaders. Whatever the personal reason Akhenaton changed Egyptian life, he was found guilty in the public square of questioning the ruling narrative. Many years later, monotheism returned to Egypt and much of the world.
The German theologian, Martin Luther was the catalyst for the Protestant reformation in the 16th century. The Catholic Church was the law of the land almost since its inception in 30 AD and certainly by 590 CE when lands were consolidated to become the Papal States assuring the church\’s power. Luther questioned the doctrine of good works to obtain salvation. He believed that it was a gift from God and the only condition was to accept the gift. His other belief in an egalitarian body of believers was in contrast to the church hierarchical structure that kept the “laity” from accessing God on their own. Martin Luther translated the Bible into everyday language which further diminished the power long held by the priests. He basically upended the entire Christian spiritual structure. This, in turn, also re-ordered the governmental authority since local magistrates obtained their right to govern by church sanction. Luther was excommunicated, refused the order to retract his statements, and died an ill man. But his questioning began a disseminated structure of authority and governance that prevails to this day.
Michael Luther King, Jr., better known as Martin Luther King, Jr. was a highly educated Baptist preacher like his father and grandfather before him. King, much the same as the man he renamed himself after, had questions. While Martin Luther struggled with the hierarchical system in the catholic church, MLK, Jr., attacked the ranked order in the condition of men due to skin color. His activism caused people to examine their beliefs regarding race. His eloquent speaking style and compelling commentary gained notoriety for himself and the issues he passionately defended. As a member of the executive committee of the NAACP, he was placed in charge of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration; the Alabama bus boycott. Taking operational techniques from Mahatma Gandhi, his inspirational leadership helped produce the 1964 Civil Rights Act that ended segregation, banned employment discrimination, and was passed by the 88th congress of the United States. After 11 years of being a Civil Rights leader, MLK, Jr. had many accolades presented to him, including the Nobel Peace Prize. King was assassinated in 1968 the day before he was to lead a protest march in Memphis, Tennessee. MLK, Jr. questioned the prevailing authority to gain respect and dignity for black people.
We are moving away from a centralized authority. By questioning the belief that one race of humans is better than another we boost individual empowerment. In allowing access to all persons the ability to commune with their personal spiritual guide and discern those instructions on an intimate level, we advance in our own sacred mission on this planet. Discovering unity of spirit while also bringing our individual gifts, we benefit as a whole and attain peace within.
Just like those before me who have challenged the ruling class, be they military leaders, medical doctors, scientists of all stripes, religious scholars, or state-sanctioned experts, I will not be universally admired. My opinions and insightful analysis have garnered me the distinction of being permanently suspended from Twitter. I have also noticed that some of my blog articles get suppressed more than other posts in the algorithms. Questions I ask are partially for my own understanding but also to elucidate the contradictory nature of events both in my personal past and the worldwide current situations.
Asking for episodes and items to be investigated is a way to gain clarity and trust when the questioner is taken seriously. If the betterment of mankind is the true goal in any undertaking, would it not be to the advantage of the collective to have as much data from as many sources as possible to alleviate the concern, apprehension, and skepticism of the masses? It seems to me that flexing our critical-thinking skills would give us practice for all those important decisions we make throughout our lives. The only genuine cost would be time. Is that not a small price to pay for improved confidence?
I read about these great heroes with enthusiasm but also with an equal amount of trepidation. My anxiety stems from an inner feeling of kinship with these and a great many other change-making, iconoclastic personages. I have no idea if my questioning and investigation will have the impact of a pharaoh, theologian, or civil rights activist. I only know that I must put forth my discoveries. If the information I bring to light helps one person lead a better life, what more can I ask?
~To read how I questioned mainstream psychiatry and healed from mental illness, check out Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health. Available Now! Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
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Order Now for $9.99 — Published December 26th, 2021.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online bookstores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble
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Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
I have never been fond of diamonds. I enjoy color. Give me sapphires, emeralds, opals, and rubies! These gems make my eyes light up. My second marriage produced a husband determined to put a diamond on my hand. I acquiesced, though my heart wasn\’t in it. I chose a ring where the engagement and wedding bands intertwined with a small diamond in the center and four tiny diamonds placed above and below the twisting gold. He worried it wasn\’t big enough. I worried I would catch it on my sweaters. The ring design was a compromise and the marriage has lasted thirty-one years this month.
I enjoy learning how things are made. I have always wondered about the process of making toothpicks after seeing a Warner Brothers cartoon where they whittled a full grown tree down to a single pick, then placed it in a box with others done the same way. My husband and I try to take the \”behind the scenes\” tours at various locations to know how things are done. Being on my grandmother\’s farm gave me a first-hand view of food production- plant and animal. For years I sewed my own clothing and did that for a living a couple of times in my life. Invention and innovation thrill me to no end.
After my mental health transformation, I was determined to never shy-away from things I didn\’t like. My distaste of diamonds became one of my investigations so that I could understand my aversion to that harmless little rock. In my curiosity, I found an unexpected lesson and epiphany. My exploration of this stone led me to understand myself and others in a fascinating new way.
Start with carbon dioxide (CO2) and bury it underground about 100 miles. Apply heat through various means to about 2200°F. Next, add a dash of pressure at 725,000 lbs/sq inch. Allow this concoction to develop for several millions to billions of years. Finally, rush this new substance to the surface using a handy volcano or conveniently falling asteroid to cool and harden. By doing all this, you might get a diamond worthy of a bridal hand. Actually, the exact formula is still a mystery. Diamond formation depends on a perfect storm of circumstances. The key processes appear to be:
Begin with the carbon- the building block of all life on planet earth
Turn up the heat to clear away the dross and useless bits of muck
When it is as pure as it can be, apply tremendous pressure
Do this for however long it takes for the finished product
After all this inner work, it bursts into the world to allow its light to shine
Of course there is some refinement to be done, but this process doesn\’t have to take near as long. It is also under the control of the person handling the newly formed stone.
Many hands are needed to bring a gem of quality into the world. The rough uncut diamond needs to be mapped and marked to determine how large and what shape is best for a specific stone. Once the crystal is ready to be worked, the cutters, brillianteers and polishers have the finished product in their mind. They begin to create the facets that will bring out the best qualities of the diamond. The polishing brings out the fire within the stone so that when it is subjected to light it will have depth and character. This is a tedious process taking several weeks, but necessary for the final result. You can watch this condensed procedure on this >7-minute video.
“In the standard round brilliant, there are 57 or 58 facets. The table facet, usually the largest facet on the diamond, helps gather light from above and either reflects it back to the observer or directs it into the diamond’s interior. The crown facets, consisting of 8 bezels, 8 stars, and 16 upper halves, gather and disperse light to create brightness, fire, and a scintillating pattern of light and dark. The pavilion facets, consisting of 16 lower halves, 8 mains, and an optional culet, reflect the light back through the crown to the viewer’s eye. All of these facets work together creating each diamond’s unique appearance.”
The 4 Cs- color, clarity, cut and carat is how diamonds are graded. A stone that is colorless, with no inclusions or blemishes, cut in an attractive way and has adequate carat or weight is a diamond to be sought after in the world of fine gems. Magnification and subjection to fluorescent light are how to determine these characteristics. The grade of a stone is how it is valued and determines the price one pays for the jewel in question. To the naked eye, less expensive jewelry can be equal to the shine and brilliance of their more pricey counterparts.
I was struck by the descriptions and explanations in the diamond-making process. Each of us in our everyday lives goes through a similar development of birth, challenges, breaking, questioning, refinement, discovery, and the finale. It takes a while for the right geographic location, generation, parents, the woman\’s cycle and the couple\’s inclination to produce you in baby form, ready for programming. From there, you are tested and challenged until you have broken free from your original thought processes. Questions arise and getting your life in some semblance of order while still being pliable, is needed. Your refining and cleansing are instituted so you discover who you are and why you are here. Finally, you burst forth into the world and shine a light only you carry.
In the Regency period of England, women in the upper echelons of society were graded much like diamonds. Breeding or family heritage, along with looks, training in household management, and intact virtue were the qualities sought. A Diamond of the First Water was every man\’s dream. First Water would refer to the clarity of a diamond. The closer the stone resembled still water, the better. It would be without blemishes (external flaws) and inclusions (internal defects). Women were considered Diamonds if these criteria were met. How often are similar attributes desired in those seeking relationships even now? Dating Apps insist you list them for prospective candidates to sift through.
As I have mentioned in previous posts on this blog, humans are here to discover, explore and remember themselves as they journey through life. We are facets of the Source of All, the Creator, God or the Universe. We are already of the exact color, clarity, cut and carat we are supposed to be. We need only discover this through our ramblings here on earth. We are all Diamonds. We need only discover our clarity and claim the First Water we are destined to be.
~Learn how Catherine discovered herself in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health. Available for Pre-Order Now! Publish Date- December 26th, 2021 at Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble
“Don’t take any wooden nickels!\” That was the saying years ago that meant be cautious in your interactions, business dealings, and purchases. A wooden nickel was a token or scrip that was redeemable for specific items depending on who issued it. In the early days of American expansion, companies would issue paper scrip or tokens as part of their payout of wages to employees. These substitutes for real money could be used at the Company Store to purchase needed items. In those out-of-the-way businesses, it was difficult to get to a town where you could purchase personal provisions. Companies helped their workers by providing goods, but many times the items had a heavy mark-up. Sixteen Tons is a song, sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford in 1956, about how life was for coal miners and gives an example of how a company store worked.
Using something other than authorized money such as the Dollar, Yen, Pound, Euro, or another state-issued currency was not an uncommon occurrence. During the American Civil War, The Great Depression, and many other times of economic distress token forms of money were distributed locally so that commerce could continue. It is much like a way to barter for goods and services using a local item that everyone in that location agrees will act like money. S&H Green Stamps, store coupons, punch cards, and even those buy-one-get-one sales are a form of currency locally accepted for discounts or items.
In our digital era, is it any wonder that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have become the new Wooden Nickel? Skeptics might claim the right to be cautious, but more intrepid souls have embraced this form of scrip. Precious metals, which have been the currency for centuries, are another form of wealth that many folks are securing to diversify their investment portfolios. The recent uptick in our inflated government-issued money has made many people look elsewhere for financial security.
Since 1945, the United States and Saudi Arabia made an agreement that created the Petrodollar. Oil was the new asset that backed our money system. Previously, the U.S. had gold and silver reserves that bankrolled the American buck. Until recently, the U.S. ability to keep its financial standing with the world, who pegged their currencies to the dollar, has gone unchallenged. That may have changed in recent months. The Gateway Pundit reports-
“For the last 50 years, the petrodollar was in place. Big oil made its transactions in USD. Then a couple of days ago, Russia and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement that likely went beyond the military and defense cooperation it claims. The agreement likely removes the two countries from their relationship with the dollar.” ~ Joe Hoft
If this information is correct, it would mean that our petro-backed currency is now worthless since other currencies are being accepted in payment of our long-held assets. World nations would not need our dollars to purchase goods as in the past. Countries had to exchange their currency for dollars in order to pay for oil. The exchange rate could leave them in a similar condition to the coal miners in the song- owing more than they gained.
On December 23rd, 1913, the Fed was born when President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. Even though the Fed had no reserves nor was it part of the government since it is a private corporation, it became the entity that doled out the money in the form of a loan to the U.S. America lost its ability to provide sovereign money to its citizens. Now every dollar issued was less than its original worth due to the interest that had to be paid to the Fed on the loan. Slowly, the inability to pay back the interest was kicked down the road as the debt ceiling was raised for various reasons during each administration from that time in 1913 until our present time. The purchasing power of our beloved dollar has fallen to historic levels and we are paying the price (pardon the pun) for that lack of insight, common sense, and good stewardship.
It seems that if our dollar is no longer the World Reserve Currency, then it would make sense to get out of the petro-dollar money-pit. Investing in assets that hold and possibly increase in value would be advised, though I am not a financial consultant. From my research, if the dollar becomes no better than a wooden nickel used locally in a limited fashion, finding other means to acquire goods and services would be a logical next step.
~~ Find out how Catherine curbed her manic spending in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health. Available for Pre-Order Now! Publish Date- December 26th, 2021 at Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
So much of our lives are lived in our heads these days. We forget that we have a body that has feelings and needs. It is easy to have our minds far away as we are going about our day-to-day activities. We forget where we are or why we walked into a room. We miss-step or bump into things. Sometimes we even blurt out inappropriate words in response to what is happening. All these items can be a symptom of not being grounded. Our mind and body are not working together.
Mental energy builds up in our field and needs to be discharged so we can be present in mind, body, and soul as we traverse our daily living. This can be accomplished in various ways that are simple, yet do take a moment to do. I encourage you to take time to care for yourself and try one of these methods so you may avoid mishaps. If you continue to stay un-grounded, accidents can happen where you or someone else is injured.
Walking or standing barefoot on the earth can be a pleasurable way to discharge mental energy. Soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts can melt mental stress while grounding your energy using mineral salts. Extending your arms above your head and breathing in, then quickly sweeping them down as you forcefully exhale is another way to get back in your body. Eating spicy food can get your thoughts out of your head and into your body as you enjoy the play of spices on your tongue.
If you want something that gives you a more mindful approach to grounding your body, try this ritual before you get out of bed or soon after you have gone to the bathroom after sleeping/napping.
This ritual promotes clarity of thinking and stability of your body. Also good for after a shock, emotional situation, or when you have trouble focusing.
Place one hand on your lower abdomen and keep it there as you do the following with the other hand.
With the other hand rub your tailbone for a moment.
Then rub the top of your breastbone where your collarbones meet.
Follow this with rubbing above and below your lips, pressing against your teeth, at the same time. (thumb below the lip, index finger above the lip)
Finish with tapping the top of your head.
Repeat with the other hand.
You are now grounded and ready to be your best self! Play around with the different techniques or make up your own. Doing something with your body and paying attention to the sensations are all that is required.
~ Learn more of the techniques Catherine used to become mentally healthy in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health. Pre-Order at the lower price Now! Publish Date- December 26th 2021 Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo and Barnes & Noble
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention along with Don’t Spit into the Wind are the two sayings that I feel characterize the coming years after our recent break with reality. Coming to a hard stop across the planet has induced a kind of time-warp and re-evaluation of our individual circumstances. Since gathering in groups is frowned upon right now, looking into the depths of our psyche is nearly our only option. I also think it is long overdue.
To believe our lives will go back to the way it was is as fruitless as spitting into the wind. I ask of us all: would we really want everything back to the way it was? To everything there is a season and for a number of things that season is over. We can express gratitude for the things we enjoyed but also for the items we endured past their expiration date. Now we can make plans for what we want to experience next. From all indications, the individual instead of the group will be expressed and uplifted. I offer my views on the coming trends of the next 10 years.
Our work: Businesses that have offices but no foot traffic that accesses their services will see a growing awareness that “working from home” is a cost-efficient option. Indeed, many companies have utilized this strategy for the last 10+ years. Now that personnel has tried it out, there will be more demand for this opportunity.
Businesses that manufacture or assemble items will become more automated. Employees will have the opportunity to learn skills that run, program or maintain this equipment. Talented individuals will engineer robotics at a much larger scale than used even now. AI will have the ability to anticipate problems with the quality of the product and troubleshoot issues with the machines. 3D printing will also become more prevalent, even for in-home use.
Cottage industries such as hand-built and hand-made items will become valued for their character and story. One-of-a-kind items will be elevated to art status. Service businesses such as personal care, vehicle maintenance, repair shops, along with other areas will continue but there may be more instruction and products geared toward how we can do these things for ourselves.
Shopping: Retail along with food stores will continue with online sales and personal shoppers. Boutiques will replace the large discount stores where personal service will be valued. Specialty items, where you can try before you buy, will be another trend. After you know your size, your favorite flavor, or the ability to check the quality, you will be directed online in the shop or at home to make your purchases. Inventory will be warehoused, much like Amazon does now, or constructed/assembled when ordered. Consumerism at its pre-Covid19 level will wane. Supply chain disruption will occur with many needed items moved to local suppliers. Quality items that last or can be easily recycled will be in demand. Local industry that provides these needed items will grow.
Education: Expertise in a subject will be needed but also an all-around knowledge of how to manage our time and resources. Working from home opens up the need for more tech-savvy folks to innovate and invent new ways to connect. Knowledge will become the new consumer product. Online classes and courses will explode and so will the tutorials from experienced people to teach those skills. Brick and mortar schools will be seen as an expensive product. Online K-12 and universities will see a rise as well as specialized schools, weekend workshops, and technical training centers.
Small groups learning skills that require more hands-on expertise will become the norm. Credentialing will be limited to professions that demand oversight such as medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, accountants, and the like. Certifications will become widely accepted. Homeschooling will rise as well. This won\’t be limited to mainly religious education but be a viable option for a variety of people and abilities. With legislation stalling the formation and utilization of Charter Schools and school vouchers for school choice, folks will find other avenues. Parents may form private co-ops to teach their children.
Medical Care: Within the next 10 years, we will have some kind of emergency medical coverage for Americans. This would include emergency vehicle and work-related accidents, major organ emergencies such as heart attacks, kidney stones, appendix issues, strokes, etc… Healing Centers and Naturopathic Clinics will spring up as a more natural way to get well. People will be more willing to take their healthcare into their own hands. There will be medical clinics like we see now but there will be many more wellness options to choose from. Specialty schools, trainings, and workshops to teach others how to manage their own health will flourish. Most allopathic care will wane as people become healthier and take charge of their personal care.
Living Spaces: With the advent of working, shopping, and education accessibility from your own home, a dedicated space for some of those activities will be a must. Families will be smaller due to falling birthrates so that a third bedroom can easily be converted to this space. Rural towns will become more appealing and living in the city will most likely be relegated to those who own businesses there. Food gardens will be commonplace. New hydroponic systems, vertical gardening, rooftop plantings along with dwarf varieties of fruit trees will be widely used. Composting systems will be offered in new home builds.
Food: With more people working from home and having no commute, making meals at home will be back in style. Having fresh ingredients at hand along with the ability to experience social-media cooking channels and streaming gourmet chefs right on your tech device will make it more appealing. Food co-ops where you subscribe to farm-fresh produce and meat will be an attractive option. By cooking our own food, our health will improve as well. Industrial farming will wane. Governments won\’t be supporting that kind of food production. Folks will be taking a hand in what they put into their mouths.
Transportation: Self-driving cars or anti-gravity propulsion vehicles will be commonplace as will self-driving mass transit buses/subways in larger cities. Personal vehicles will be mainly used for longer trips such as into the city to visit/shop or across the country for pleasure. Smaller vehicles similar to golf carts or three-wheeled bikes will be used for shorter trips. Vehicles will use electric, plasma, or perhaps cold-fusion motors and generators. With fewer drivers on the roads, our infrastructure will be better maintained and need fewer repairs overall. Tractor-trailer rigs hauling goods across the country will be phasing out in favor of making items closer to each area of the country. High-speed electric trains may take over some of the transport that big trucks used to do as well as passenger services. Local supply chains will be valued using local personnel and resources as much as possible. Air travel and cruises will change. With more cost-effective energy, airlines & cruise ships can afford to take fewer passengers but offer more luxury to entice folks to use their services. Long-distance travel will wane for the next 6 years but will resume after that with new improved ways of getting places.
Energy: Fossil fuels will wane over the next several years as newer more efficient means are put into use. Present-day solar and wind will be relegated to the US southwest and the coastlines respectively. Geothermal technology, plasma, cold-fusion, hydrogen gas, and other exotic fuels are on the horizon for possible widespread use. If experiments pan-out with Space Solar Power Incremental Demonstrations and Research (SSPIDR) in the newly formed Space Force, there is a possibility of collecting solar energy, converting it to radiofrequency, and then beaming it down to a projected generating station to provide power. The military will utilize it first but it could eventually make it into everyday use.
Communication: Satellite-based internet public utility with military oversight is a possibility for future communication needs. Phone service could be utilized with this technology as well. Private companies will divest their internet and phone service holdings while converting to provide repair/maintenance services. Software services similar to Zoom and Skype but with a more 3D/HD feel will provide a personal experience for people to communicate face-to-face over long distances and for groups to gather. A portion of folks will eventually enhance their capability for telepathy, negating the need for technology.
Communities: Like-minded folks will find each other and form communities or villages. There will most likely be an industry that contributes to the community purpose and provide a product to sell/barter with other communities across the globe. Communal areas will hold healing centers, technology hubs, and event spaces. Animals will be cared for as companions, humane food production, and therapy. Education will be tailored to individual needs, desires, and aptitudes. Young and old alike will be valued. People will live longer more productive lives due to quality food, personal interaction, purpose, and healthful living. Children will be fewer but they will be wanted and cared for with community help.
Governments: Governmental authority as we know it now, will change dramatically in the next few years. As we each develop our own inner authority, the collective need for central control will diminish. Boundaries of countries will shift and change according to those living there realizing their inner power and communal needs. Digital currencies and bartering will take the place of paper & coinage. Eventually, there will be no need for money as we now know it, but that will be several years from now. Communities will make their own rules along with mutually agreed upon international policies to guide interactions. Censorship will wane as our telepathic abilities grow. Nothing will be hidden as we enter higher states of consciousness.
Climate: Contrary to recent media and uncensored scientific assertions, our planet will not accumulate excess heat nor will sea levels rise to dangerous levels. By all indications of a historical nature, taking into account a longer time-frame than recent climatologists use, we are in the beginning stages of a Grand Solar Minimum. During the transition to a colder planet, our local weather patterns will shift and change. This has happened several times in Earth\’s history. The Sahara was once green and lush. The Antarctic was once as temperate as Central South America. There were vineyards in Northern England. There was also a time when much of the Americas were under a sheet of ice. It\’s not known how severe or long-lasting this colder climate will last, but you can be sure that innovation to adapt will be at the forefront of people\’s minds for the coming years.
Spirituality: As our consciousness evolves, the need for a centralized religion will wane. At the beginning of human spirituality, the gods of ancient times were our compass, and beseeching their favor in ways mundane and horrific was commonplace. We then centralized our worship along with our government through a monotheistic approach. Martin Luther ushered in a more personal god without the government involved, directly at least. We will now evolve leaving off an organizational structure and embracing a personal reflection of our inner spirituality. We may gather concepts from various teachings but at its core, we will recognize our own spiritual essence and connection to the Source of All, however, you choose to describe that being or state.
Conclusion: These are but a few of the things I see for the coming decade. The transition period for some of this activity will be messy at first but as humans grow and evolve, we will welcome the changes. Much of what I have proposed is already happening on a smaller scale in many parts of the world. What will you contribute to the future you desire? The world is in your hands.
~ Follow Catherine\’s progress through life in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health. Available for Pre-Order Now! Publish Date- December 26th 2021 at Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo and Barnes & Noble
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.