Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Thiel– You are loved. Indeed you are love itself. Consider a bird as it is in flight. Riding the wave of wind. This bird dips and dives and swoops and swirls. It is content to ride whatever the wind there is and it only directs its path using the wind and air. The wingless bird is canny and careful of its surroundings. It is always on the lookout for danger and for food. The nesting bird is loving and watchful for its young. It cares for its small ones and feeds its babies.
Me– Why are we talking of birds?
Thiel– A bird\’s life is sufficient. A bird is contained. A bird has a song. A bird knows its purpose. And does it. It does not try to be other than what it is.
Me– Are we to be as the birds?
Thiel– To know your purpose so clearly and to ride the wave of life is a sufficient way to live. Sing your song. Feed your young ones. Feed yourself. Be aware of your surroundings. You are having trouble with his transmission. We will speak another time.
Me– Thank you.
~~I met Thiel in my meditations in June of 2015 during a Gemini Full Moon while Mercury was retrograde. They indicated that they were from the 6th & 7th planes. We had 29 conversations over 3 1/2 years. Interestingly, in astrology, the 29º in any sign is considered a critical degree. One of its connotations indicates a sense of urgency. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and both are concerned with communication. It is with an urgency I share these messages with you.
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Metaphysical Girlis available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. After that date, the price goes to full retail at $9.99, so order your copy soon! Your card will be charged at publication.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
I was given this story in my meditations in 2015. I had been seeking an answer to why I was born to a family that doesn\’t seem to understand me. Recently I found the video below this story that confirmed what I found years before. We never truly die. We just change.Put yourself in the story and insert people from your life that fit the various descriptions. Discover who you are in this wonderful game called life.
Once upon a no-time in a no-place, there was, is and evermore a table. This table is large and has many chairs. All around this table and chairs are Masters of a Great Game. These Masters come forward and step back as needed to fill positions in the Great Game. In this Game, the ability to pretend is essential, for here in this no-place and no-time all is Love and Light. All is harmony and oneness. To play the Game is to leave that behind and pretend these things are not there. In the Game, all come to know feelings of lack so that they know what they really and truly have at this moment. At this place of no-place in this time of no-time one steps forward to the table.
“Who will play the Game with me?” asks this one. “ I desire to experience some things so I will know more fully who I am. I desire others who will help me by playing a part in the Game for me and in return, I will play a part for them so they will discover who they are more fully also.”
Many step forward to the table to help this one and also to help themselves, for at this moment there is a Game in progress on the other side that is winding down and nearly finishing an important level. To play at this moment would be especially challenging even for a Master such as they are. Only the best are chosen to play with all others staying on this side to offer help and guidance as needed but even they are limited as to how they give the guidance. The ones on this side can not tell the players directly what to do. They may only nudge those playing by giving signs and urging the players to go in one direction or another. There are many opportunities in the Game because all eventually “win” to go on to the next level if they so choose. In this way, all those playing have choice and free-will. The object of the Game is to discover their true selves and it does not matter how long it takes nor what route the player engages in for there is no right or wrong way in this Game- it is all just experience.
All the players assemble and now this one decides what it wants to experience. “I will be called _[your name]___, in this moment of the Game. I desire to feel a lack of Love so that I may know more fully what Love is on this side. Who is willing to play that role for me and show me a lack of love?”
Another around the table speaks and says, “I am willing to play that part. I desire to feel guilt for in this no-place and no-time I know all is in divine order so pretending to not give you enough love will accomplish my desire. I will play the part of your _[*volunteer]_ in the Game this time.”
“Excellent!” says _[your name]__, “Now, I desire to experience being misunderstood. Who will help me with that?”
“I am willing to play that part since you played that part for me at another point of this Game. I will be your __[*volunteer]__ this time around. I desire to experience confusion and separation so misunderstanding you will fulfill my desire,” says another around the table.
Another one across the table speaks, “I desire to experience self-anger or depression. May I play a role for you in the Game?”
“Yes, if you will be my _[*volunteer]__ in the game, then I can experience what it is like to watch someone hurting and realize I am only responsible for my own well-being so as to not violate others choices,” says ___[your name]_ as they look around the table for more players. “For my next experience, I desire to feel a lack of self-worth. Is there another who will help me accomplish this?”
One next to the one who seeks the “guilt” role speaks up, “I can play that and I will be your __[*volunteer]__ in the Game. I desire to feel no empathy for those different than myself. If you have no self-worth then I can bully you to further your feeling of lack to have this experience with you.”
“Wonderful! This Game is shaping up to be an experience where I will rediscover all the wonderful aspects of this side. All of you will do a great job in your respective roles. I will do my best to give you the experiences you desire in return.” __[your name]__ looks around the table again and asks, “In order for me to not become stuck in any part of the game, I will need those to remind me who I am. Who is willing to play the role of a reminder?”
“I am willing to do that because you were my reminder the last time. I can be a well-loved __[*volunteer]__who gives extra attention to you so that you will feel love without having done anything for it,” volunteers another around the table.
Another volunteer speaks up, “I will help you in that quest and be a__[*volunteer]_ that listens without judgment showing you that you are cared for and thought of with affection.
On and on the discussion goes with many coming forward to help the original speaker and being helped in the process. All willingly took on the roles for the Game just as the original took on their role for them. After the original gets all her players in order another steps forward to plan their experience in the Game. The original comes forward to help this one then that one as each takes their turn in the planning. Lives in the Game overlap and intersect with many twists and turns to keep everything moving and all to experience what they have chosen. Signs are placed along the path to direct the players in many places so that all have the chance to play their parts to perfection. No one is really hurt in their core soul but to feel “hurt” in the Game is essential for the experience.
As each, in turn, leaves the Game through the death of the body, there is a wonderful reunion congratulating each other on their Academy Award performance in The Great Game. Some go on to take on new roles for others coming in and still, others become guides for those still in the Game. Each of them helps the whole to know itself more and more fully so to make the experiences of the aspects of the whole richer, have greater meaning, and expand in consciousness.
~To learn more about Catherine & her mental health journey check out her memoir- Metaphysical Girl. It is available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo and Barnes & Noble
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
We all have intuition. Not all of us know how to use it. The phrases Gut Feeling, having a Hunch, my Spidey-Senses are Tingling, and Something smells Fishy are indications of that inner knowing that is occasionally felt. How empowered would you feel if you could tap into this skill any time you needed? As with any potential expertise, practice is an excellent place to start.
Most anyone can learn to play the piano by studying the notes, timing, and finger technique. To play music, a totally different approach is required. You must FEEL the notes, chords, and tune deep within. In this manner, a visceral response is evoked by all who hear you play. Tapping into your own intuition is a similar endeavor. Getting to know your body\’s response to questions is where the music or inner knowing is heard. Your body will give you clues to what you need to do.
To gain the most clarity from your questions, it is beneficial to discover your beliefs regarding any subject you ask about. If you sincerely believe you will never be able to financially support yourself, that you will always have an illness, or romantic love is hard to find, then your answers will reflect those beliefs. Taking time to heal these misconceptions will go a long way in finding solutions to life\’s situations.
Use this tool to gain clarity and assurance whenever you have a decision to make that you do not feel sure about or need confirmation. This exercise will help you know what it feels like to make a good decision, for your body knows intuitively the outcome for your highest good. Your mind can play tricks on you or make you go in a more ego-based direction instead of heart-based.
Make sure you are well hydrated with water.
Stand with your feet slightly apart with plenty of room in front and behind.
Place your hand(s) over your heart/center of the chest area.
Pre-test yourself by asking a question about yourself you know is positive- \”My name is (say your real name). Your body will naturally lean either forward or backward (or maybe to the side) without your trying to make it. Usually, forward is yes/positive, and back is no/negative. Your results may vary.
Ask a question about yourself that you know is negative. Same procedure as above
You may ask your questions now regarding things about or for you. Asking what others should do does not work. Ask what your part in working/being with others is okay using yes/no, true/false questions.
Usually, after 3 questions or if you get answers that leave you standing upright (not leaning) then it is time to drink more water.
Express gratitude for your answers.
If you are having trouble getting an answer, ask the question in another way. If you ask, “Will I win the lottery?” and your body isn’t sending a clear signal, try a different question. Changing your query to, “Is it for my highest good to win a large sum of money?” may give you a more accurate report. If your answer is no, you can ask, “Is it for my highest good to work for my financial security?” or “Is it for my highest good to be entrusted with a large amount of money?” As I said before, clearing emotional blocks concerning money or whatever you ask about is the best way to get a clear answer.
Once you have used this practice enough to know how your body feels when you ask its advice, you won’t need to go to this much trouble. You will FEEL in your body a pushing away or a drawing toward for your answer. Listening to your intuition and expressing gratitude for its guidance will serve you well going forward in life.
~To read how I used this tool, check out Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health. Available for Pre-Order Now! Publish Date- December 26th 2021 Smashwords, Apple, Gardeners, Odilo, Kobo and Barnes & Noble
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Metaphysical Girlis available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. After that date, the price goes to full retail at $9.99, so order your copy soon! Your card will be charged at publication.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online bookstores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
*This is a character study I wrote for my writing group. Each of us introduced a character and then we each wrote a story using as many of other people\’s characters as we could. Stay tuned for the 2-part story I wrote- Three Hour Tour.
She weaved her way through the vendors on the street with an effortless grace that belied her size. Her full softly swaying hips showed off her orange and blue floral cotton dress as she moved purposefully to The Straw Market to begin her day selling the woven baskets her family made. The cruise ships had docked and were ready to let their passengers loose on the streets of Nassau.
Daisha (dah-EE-sha) felt the sun warm her mahogany skin, though her straw hat shaded her eyes against the sun’s glare. Some days she felt every inch of what her name meant- a woman of influence. Other days she wondered if she influenced anyone. She looked forward to the Bahamas Heritage Festival next week. She had been a sought-after storyteller for this event for the past 5 years. Her soft, expressive voice lent itself to the African stories she told. She grew up hearing these tales from her grandmother. Her grandmama was a storyteller in the griot tradition of West Africa in that she knew everything that was going on around her. She told news and gossip alike in story form. She kept the traditional tales alive and passed on that knowledge to Daisha. Now it was Daisha\’s turn to be the keeper and teller of the story.
Daisha\’s goal was to go to America and beyond to tell her stories. She longed to meet the people she only heard about in the books, shows, and news on TV. She talked with the cruise ship tourists when they stopped at her stall. She felt this was only a small portion of the lives they lived just as the market stall was only a tiny portion of hers. At day\’s end, Daisha walks to her home in the \”Fish Fry\” area on West Bay St, a mere 20-minute stroll along the beachfront and shack-type restaurants selling local seafood and cuisine. She stops to pick up some conch chowder from her cousin\’s eatery to bring home to her elderly aunt and uncle. She was raised by these lovely people after her parents died in a fishing boat accident when Daisha was only 3 years old. After her grandmother passed away last year, these two and her cousins were her only family. They all contributed to the straw basket-making when her cousins weren\’t running their restaurant.
Nassau was her home since she was born 28 years ago to Afro-Bahamian parents. Her family attended a local Methodist church where she sang in the choir. Her uncle was a deacon, and her aunt helped in the Women\’s Study Group on Thursday evenings. Though Daisha loved her church family, she clung to some of the African traditional beliefs her grandmother taught her and held in her heart. She believed there was a spirit in all things and people were inherently good though sometimes became confused when away from their family, community, and ancestral lands. Nassau was far from Africa as the seagull flies but close in spirit when she thought of her dear grandmother.
Many men had sought Daisha\’s hand and heart, but she wanted more than what they offered. She felt she had a broader purpose and to stay here and continue her small life was not something she desired. She dated a few men from time to time but kept her heart intact. They were good company when there was a festival, like Junkanoo to attend or a lecture at the library but at the end of their time together, a chaste kiss or an offer of her famous dessert- guava duff- was all they received. They accepted this graciously and thanked her for her company.
“One day there will be a place for me on the world stage,” she often said to herself. In the meantime, there were baskets to sell, storytelling skills to hone and her family to love and care for.
When she was young, Catherine Denton crafted plays she and her siblings performed for her parents. To learn more about her story, check out Metaphysical Girl, available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Thiel– You are loved. Indeed you are love itself. Consider a drop in a vast ocean. The drops meld and mold in and around the things that inhabit the water and contain the water at the shore, sea floor and sky. It neither cares nor is considerate of its surroundings yet it is enough in and of itself. There is no consideration as to it’s destination or if it even arrives at one. There is no turmoil in the choosing of it’s shore or it’s capacity to hold all it can contain. It is and that is enough for the beings that live within and around the ocean\’s BEINGNESS. It holds vast amounts of creatures, minerals, pockets of air, sound, feelings (Yes, it holds feelings!) and allows craft to float on its surface or deep within its belly. This is of no consequence to it for it is content to BE what it is. There is no judgment, or feeling of inadequacy on its part.
We can be as the ocean. Allowing ourselves to go with the flow as it were and allow the things of this life to BE as they are while we BE as we are. Everything is in motion and working toward it\’s purpose. When we stop the flow and consider if we are able to hold all that we are made to contain, then we become less than what we really are. We are the ocean, vast, wise and capable. Allow yourselves to BE as you are meant to BE and it will all work for the benefit of all that you can contain within that you are not even aware of yet. This is true for all, there are no exceptions nor would there be as you are all, we are all one.
Me– What of contamination of this ocean? What do we do in this case?
Thiel– There is nothing in this universe that is new. Everything you see and things you don\’t see as well has always been. There is no contamination. Things may move from one spot to another but it is all ONE also. If you are aware of something that clouds your vision , you wipe your eye or clean your glasses. Does the dirt or lint go away? No it was merely moved to another spot that is not obstructing your vision. “to Clean” is merely to move something from one place to another.. In another circumstance, to supplement is to move one thing to somewhere else also. So adding things to your body is as easy as removing them. We are all one and can need nothing that is not already there in some way.
Me– Taking a pill to add minerals or medicine is what we have. Is there another way to do this?
Thiel– When you are living in an illusion and doing things within the illusion, is it also an illusion that “you need things”? Remember the ocean. Everything is already there. It flows and it ebbs. Moving something from one place that does not serve to a place that does serve is only a matter of being at peace and at one with it all. To create is only a matter of moving the “already there” elements into place to be of use for the particular project. Everything is already there.
Me- I am attempting to wrap my head around this concept. Help me understand. Download this knowledge and the wisdom to use it. Thank you.
Thiel– It is done and it is done. This is a useful concept for all. It eliminates the scarcity of thought in this world. Allow this to meld with you throughout the day and part of the night. You will see this concept in action as you go about your days and weeks ahead. This is all for now. Be at Peace.
Me– Thank you, Thiel. I appreciate your help.
Image- The Calm Sea Gustave Courbet French 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art open Access Collection
~I met Thiel in my meditations in June of 2015 during a Gemini Full Moon while Mercury was retrograde. They indicated that they were from the 6th & 7th plane. We had 29 conversations over 3 1/2 years. Interestingly, in astrology, the 29º in any sign is considered a critical degree. One of its connotations indicates a sense of urgency. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and both are concerned with communication. It is with urgency I share these messages with you.
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Metaphysical Girlis available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. After that date, the price goes to full retail at $9.99, so order your copy soon! Your card will be charged at publication.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
“Pay attention, boy! Look at me when I’m talkin’ to you,” Daddy said as he slapped the chair arm with the belt from his pants. “I don’t wanna hear no more talk about going to school. You eat and sleep here so’s now it’s time you pull your weight.”
I stood right there in front of him as daddy raged and ranted with that worn-out belt in his hand. I tried not to jump with each slap of the leather as it hit my back and legs. Cryin’ did no good so I didn’t even bother with that wasted activity. After several lashes, Daddy dropped the belt he\’d used on us all at one time or another. He headed into the kitchen, hollerin’ for his supper as I pulled myself together and went to the washroom where my sister had brought in some warm water and a rag to wash the blood from my legs.
Yesterday, Daddy came to the school and walked right into my class. The teacher, Miss Wilkins, asked him what he needed. Daddy paid her no mind and walked over to me, grabbing me up from my desk. Miss Wilkins tried to stop him but one look, like those he used on his kids, was enough to have her back off. I seen her go to the office but I knew it would do no good. Daddy dragged me out of the building and that was the last I saw of a regular schoolroom. He may have taken me from my third-grade class but I wasn’t through learnin’ yet.
Next mornin’ I got up at five like I did every day and brought the water in from the well so Mommy could cook breakfast. My two brothers and three sisters had their chores to do as well. Daddy didn’t tolerate “nere-do-wells” as he called ’em. Daddy came into the kitchen and sat at the table. He demanded coffee and to “make it quick” from his eldest girl. She knew to do as he said or there would be hell to pay.
“Charlie!” Daddy yelled, “You gonna get a job today at Mason\’s. “Bout time you paid for your keep.” I kept my head down and sat as still as I could while Daddy ate his breakfast. He got up to get ready for his job at the sugar mill. The rest of us ate the food Mommy cooked. Mommy made the best biscuits and gravy, hot buttery grits, and sliced tomatoes ”to give us energy” she said. My oldest brother and sister went off to school while I went out to meet Daddy in the car.
“Get in and don\’t fuss. Guy Phillips owes me a favor so he said he\’d hire you to sweep the floor. Don\’t you go making \’em mad or I\’ll beat you till you can\’t sit down,” Daddy threatened, “If I hear of you causing trouble, you know what\’ll be waiting\’ on you.”
“Yes, Daddy, I know,” I replied in a quiet voice. I looked out the window of the old 1933 Chevy Standard that had seen better days. My teacher said we were at war and we all had to do our part. Me and some other boys had got some old copper to take to the scrap pile that the neighborhood started. Daddy had a fit and whooped me good for givin\’ it away and not getting\’ money for it.
Daddy turned the car into the gravel lot in front of Mason\’s Meat Packing Company. I got out of the car and he pulled me by the arm into the building. Mr. Phillips met us as we got to the office. He was a big man but had a kindly face. Maybe this won\’t be too bad.
“This your boy, Carl? He looks mighty puny to work here. I guess he\’ll wield a broom alright though. I\’ll get ol\’ Tucker to show you what to do,” Mr. Phillips turned to call an old man walking down the hall. “Tucker! Get this boy a broom and show him how it\’s done.” Mr. Tucker led me away to the packing floor. It was awful cold in there but I figured I\’d warm up if I kept busy.
“Charlie, this is your area. You keep it nice and clean and stay out of the way when they bring the meat bins through.” Mr. Tucker explained as he showed me where I was to work. “You do what we say and you\’ll do fine.” He walked back to his station and left me to it.
I\’d been working there a week when there was a commotion among the workers. Seems a government inspector was coming to check things out. I didn\’t have no quarrel with the government so I just went to work like usual. Mr. Tucker came up to me right fast like and pulled me by the sleeve toward the back of the room.
“Charlie, you get in the vat and stay quiet. I\’m gonna put this here lid on top so nobody can see you,” he explained as he helped me into the large ceramic jar. It was empty but smelled like rotten meat.
“Why do I have to be in here, Mr. Tucker? Was I doin\’ a bad job? Are you gonna tell my daddy? I asked worriedly.
“No, son. You\’re doin\’ a good job but you\’re only 9 years old! We ain\’t supposed to have kids younger than 13 in here. If them inspectors find you, they could shut us down. You don\’t want that to happen do ya?” Mr. Tucker pushed me down inside the vat and put the lid on top shuttin\’ out all the light and most of the good air.
I stayed there all mornin\’ til them government men left. I felt dizzy-headed and stiff from the cramped space. A couple of the workers got me out and found my broom so I set to work until the end of my shift. I worked every day but Sunday for three months pushin\’ my broom. Daddy came every Friday to collect my check. One day after I got home, Daddy told me I wouldn\’t be workin\’ there no more. We were movin\’ to another town closer to the sugar mill.
Daddy found me another job with a man that fixed TV\’s. I swept up the floor and wiped off the workbenches when he or one of the other two men finished a job. They had all these machines that had wavy lines on \’em and some that made noises if you turned a dial. They had tubes and knobs and all kinds of hand tools to fix the TV\’s that people brought in.
As the men worked I watched when I could to see what they were doin\’. I listened to them a talkin\’ and trying to figure out the problem with each TV that came in. Mr. Parker, my boss saw me one day watchin\’ the oscilloscope. “Do you know what this machine does, Charlie?” asked Mr. Parker.
“Well, sir. It seems to show what kind of power the sick TV puts out. You watch the wavy line when you touch different parts of the inside of these here TVs. Then you know what part to fix.” I answered and looked up at him.
“That\’s pretty good, Charlie. It\’s not quite what it does but close enough. Why don’t you help me with this TV and I\’ll show you how to fix it” offered Mr. Parker.
Mr. Parker let me help him once in a while to fix a TV then he had Dave, his helper let me work with him. I still swept the floor and wiped the benches but now I was learnin’ somethin’. I had been there a couple of years when things changed for me.
Daddy didn’t take me to work anymore. Mr. Parker had been slippin’ me some of my pay before Daddy could come pick it up. I kept it in a box under one of the workbenches so nobody could find it. I counted it up one day and I had enough to move into a little trailer that was out back of the shop. I found a three-legged chair and a broken table on the side of the road and fixed it up. I made a pallet out of old movin\’ blankets and found a pot to cook in at the city dump. I had my own home.
Daddy told me to get back to his house but I stayed right where I was. Mr. Parker told my Daddy something that I didn’t hear. After that, he didn’t come round no more and that was fine by me. I got me an old guitar and listened to a man play on the Grand Ol’ Opry on the shop radio. After a while, I could pick out a tune. Daddy wasn’t gonna beat me no more. I was learnin\’ how to fix TVs and play the guitar. Life had taught me some hard lessons but I learned ’em good. Miss Wilkins would be right proud if she saw me now.
* I wrote this story loosely about my uncle, my dad\’s oldest brother. I gathered stories of his life from various family members and imagined how his early life might have been. I don’t swear that any of this is true, but I understand that he did leave school in the 3rd grade, his dad sent him to work at a meat-packing plant and he did learn TV repair from a couple of men. He also lived on his own in his early teens, away from his family. He taught himself how to play guitar, banjo, mandolin, and the piano- all by ear.
To learn more bout my family, check out Metaphysical Girl, now available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Boundary: something that indicates the farthest limit, as of an area; border
A boundary in relationships with people, jobs, pets, or other obligations is the limit of what you will accept from them. It is also the limit of what you will give to them. These limits can be flexible depending on circumstances- your and theirs. To have a healthy boundary is to understand what thoughts, actions, and feelings are your own and what rightly belongs to others. Once this is known, you can decide how much you want in your life and what you want/need to keep out.
How you feel about yourself is an indicator of how permeable your boundary is. If you love yourself, you will feel “full,” have energy and are able to say NO to things/people that drain you. The world will keep spinning even if you do not help someone ever again. People manage to find ways to get what they need, so you do not have to always be the one to provide the help. Unless someone (a child under 16) is directly under your care, your first priority is to yourself. On an airplane the safety instruction for when the air mask drops down is “Put yours on before helping others.” This is the best advice for life in general as well.
Learning to say NO is the most freeing word in the English vocabulary when you are a person who loves to help. Helping others is not wrong in itself but when it takes from you instead of giving you life, it is a problem. For those of us with a “helping” mission in this life, establishing healthy boundaries is paramount. Knowing what we need to be in good shape and giving ourselves this gift will allow us to be the helpful person that we were meant to be.
There is a warning when you embark on changing your life- other people will change as well. The others in your life will not have the motivation to change that you do, so give them grace during your process. They will push back on you as you change your boundary limits. They will test you. Be strong and love yourself more. After a time, those who are around you will get used to your new boundary or they will go from your life. You are no longer the same frequency as they are. They will seek someone who matches what they put out. You do not have to help that along, it will just happen on its own when it is time. You may decide now that you feel better about yourself, you do not need/want the kind of person they are in your life now. Watch for opportunities that come into your life as you change. You will know when it is time to make a move.
Steps to Healthy Boundaries:
Talk to your Inner Child to determine what helps them feel safe. Listen & follow their lead.
Decide on a behavior you will no longer tolerate. Let those people know that ________ is no longer acceptable.
Enforce your boundary. Say NO to requests you used to give in to. Walk/run away from abuse. Call the police, if needed.
If you have trouble saying the word NO, you may try, “That won\’t work for me.” You may also give them another option, “That won\’t work for me. Perhaps you can ask ______?” Do not feel obligated to give more if you know their request is not good for YOU.
When your boundary is tested, let them know what your limit is again. If they continue, distance yourself from them for a period of time. Do not go back to them until you feel strong enough to enforce your boundary.
Check in with your Inner Child when you are feeling bad. It may be them trying to get your attention. (See Calming the Inner Child Meditation)
~ ~ Learn more ways to help yourself by Catherine Denton in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered My Mental Health Pre-Order Now! Available at Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.