Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Metaphysical Girlis available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. After that date, the price goes to full retail at $9.99, so order your copy soon! Your card will be charged at publication.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online bookstores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
I look at my life now and see twists and turns my journey has taken due to the choices I made along the way. There were times that I thought just to stop and not go further for the present was too painful. Then the road would open, and I could see a better tomorrow a little further up the path. There were many worlds I lived in at one time or another. Each was having a different impact on my life and the life of those around me. All of them had a role in making me the person I am now.
By the time I was seven, my world had consisted of five people, my parents, a sister, brother, along with myself. It was a cozy world of playing and laughing, eating evening meals together, sharing a room with my sister. I watched my small brother learn all the things a baby must learn. I took the lead in entertaining myself and my siblings. We made many of the things we played with. With my direction, we played the games that came so readily to my mind. My brother and sister took this as a matter of course, for their lives. I encouraged their input in what we did for fun. My parents, I think, were grateful that we played well together for the most part. All things were possible in this place. I knew of no other world, but this.
My school world was cramped in comparison to home. I had to walk a tight rope of unfamiliar rules and the social structure of my peers that vied for supremacy over all others. At home, I felt more valued. At school, it was rule or be ruled. Although I loved learning, I did not like the way things were around me. When I began reading, I could see a glimmer of other places that would help my melancholy. School was not a forgiving place. Everything was remembered and marked down. The possibilities were few, and the choices were limited.
I thrived in both worlds for a time, each with its set of expectations. I chaffed at the strictures, finally adapting to its limits in spite of longing for the freedom of younger days. Daydreams took the place of reality. I was careful to hide my intense yearnings and only indulge at home in the safety of my room. I played records of dreamy music singing along with the voices I heard, pretending to be a singer with a lovely voice that others listened to with rapt attention. Humbly taking a bow in front of my virtual audience, I vowed to be on a stage where I could be loved for what I really felt was me.
In high school, I did take the stage. I felt a wonderful sense of power in seeing the audience cry in sympathy or giggle at the charm of the character I portrayed. On the stage, there were possibilities again.
My world increased to include a church when I was seventeen. The church was even more limiting and structured than school. Now there was a book with all the rules that I was to learn and obey. There were expectations of my present behavior and activities, along with my future ones as well. Plans were made without my consent or even any input at all. My future was laid out with a husband and church role that included endless obedience and a closed mouth. Others assumed I would follow their dictates. Imagine their surprise when I didn’t meekly acquiesce. In this world, there were two choices. I saw even fewer possibilities. I was choking and did not see the noose.
A marriage at twenty-two opened my world to another side of life I only read about in books even then with much vagueness. Physical love was more than I dreamed it could be. I had not thought to be involved with someone so intimately, for my opinion of myself had fallen from those first heady days of youth. I soon learned that even with my world expanded to include a man to share my life with, it, too, could be limiting. I had been brainwashed enough to adapt to others’ whims and needs while suppressing my own. The noose was tightening, and the chair was in place.
In spite of all my attempts at being a “good wife,” the man I married found another more appealing. The church abandoned me with his resounding footsteps still ringing in my ears. The family I embraced for his sake turned and shunned me as if I was the reason for their crumbling world. I held on to the noose with all I had, but he was taking it with him.
I was in shock and overwhelmed. I missed the warmth of the noose for a while then decided it was more like a burn needing to be treated and healed. Suddenly there were choices galore and endless possibilities to dream about. Then my tentative steps led me from one moment to the next, each anticipating a further decision, a choice, then finally adventure.
My world expanded to include a career in nursing. I worked for a podiatrist in his office, and the universe came to me. The patients we saw brought with them their own small worlds. I entered their space, vicariously each day. I drank in all they had to teach. I was a sponge expanding and growing. I took care of them during examinations and surgeries, comforting my charges, and explaining their treatment. My advice was heeded. I mingled with co-workers and was a friend to my boss. My thoughts on subjects were sought. I had others in my life that valued me again. Choices became a daily occurrence, while possibilities presented themselves with the rising sun.
At twenty-seven, I became a bride to a man and mother to a seven-year-old boy. By living with two other people, my choices became limited. I chose this limitation this time around, it was not forced upon me. All other times in my life, to this point, other people or circumstances made my decisions. I felt a victim. Now it was different. I had the family atmosphere I had been seeking. My world increased to include people I loved and who loved me in return.
As the days sped by, a baby girl was born. I began to see that what I saw as limits were really only this human journey that began before I was birthed into this world. This small child lived in my heart for many years before she made her appearance in our home. She was just as real to me when I first dreamed of having her as my adopted son was standing in front of me. I had always believed that I lived before I was born to my parents, and I will live after I ceased to breathe this earthly air in legacy and spirit. I had choices and possibilities but chose the limits of this human suit for a time. Now my understanding is coming together.
I had read on a blog somewhere-
“True positive thinking is not expecting the best…True positive thinking is accepting that what is happening IS the best for your future development, advancement, and growth.”
So the limits I perceived that I felt held me back were the best for me at that time and helped me to obtain the expansion that I desired. As a child grows physically, there is, at best, an uncomfortable feeling and, at worst extreme pain. The limbs lengthen, and the torso adjusts. The body appears gangly and then suddenly lithe. The mind may still dwell on childish things, but then there is acute insight brought forth that belies the years of the body.
After being in this present life for over fifty years, I have now arrived where choices are many, and possibilities exist as far as the eye can see. My world has expanded then contracted to go on to develop even more. I am aware now that I have always had these things, but my focus was on the lack of them. I looked at the space between where the print was small, and my eyes could not detect the truth. I now look at those spaces not as a “stop,” but more like a “rest.” This was only an intake of breath for the next item on the agenda of this life.
I look forward to another fifty years of expanding choices and endless possibilities.
To hear more of my story check out Metaphysical Girl available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Thiel– You are loved. Indeed you are love. There is a fabric that lays flat when smoothed out and life is that fabric. There is texture and pattern and grain- all there for those to live and feel and love in. Occasionally there is a thread that is not even, not woven with the greatest of care, not in harmony with the other threads. This thread is pulled and tugged to accomplish the work it is meant to do but it doesn\’t always agree to do it. When this happens the thread is tugged, pulled and sometimes jerked out of the fabric. This disturbs the other threads and causes them to shift and turn and move in ways they are not used to doing. The pulled thread leaves a space. And the fabric is different for a time until the other threads realize there is room . Room for love and room for change and room for other actions that were not possible before. There is no void for something is always there. Love sometimes pulls and tugs at us. It helps us to grow and change and see other possibilities. We are not stagnate or done with our journey just because we were pulled from the fabric.
Me– What of the others left behind? Do they care about the pulled thread?
Thiel– Yes, there is care but the relief is great even if they do not acknowledge it. We are never “used up” we are merely placed in a different spot, a different service position. Me– Are there pulled threads happening in my life, my family?
Thiel- There are always pulled threads everywhere. To be one is an honor. The threads left to move and change have the potential to change the “fabric” of life and the picture that comes into focus for all who are looking. Imagine the cornfield where there is the maze cut in and you must traverse the maze from only ground level. Is is difficult and tedious but the corn that was removed forms a pattern that can be see from a higher perspective, can it not? This is much like the fabric and the \’culled” threads that form the pattern of the cloth. All are loved for their contribution and all are important in the overall design.
Me– How do we see the overall design and gain perspective for our journey here and not become discouraged?
Thiel– Be still and fly. Fly in your heart. Fly in your mind. Fly to your outer most being and then see from within. Do not become disheartened if the journey becomes rough. Threads are being pulled and tugged to adjust the overall picture and you will change positions and textures and purpose for the moment of time it all happens. Your overall purpose is the same but your momentary purpose is adjusted for the circumstance. It is enough….
…We are of service to you and to the broader perspective of things. Manipulating matter is of no consequence to us and will be soon to you. You already do some things quite well and without thought. See what you already do and apply it to other things as well. You are more capable than you realize and more loving than you know. It will come though when you are ready to use it and play with it. Yes, we said play for that is what is necessary for all of life to exist. Play is the life force of all things for with it there is joy and there is love for it does not feel like work or drudgery. Love and Joy are fundamental for all things to thrive. We have given you much today. Be at peace with it all and know that it will do as it will for you and those you share this with.
Me- Thank you, Thiel. I will begin now to implement these things you have said.
~I met Thiel in my meditations in June of 2015 during a Gemini Full Moon while Mercury was retrograde. They indicated that they were from the 6th & 7th plane. We had 29 conversations over 3 1/2 years. Interestingly, in astrology, the 29º in any sign is considered a critical degree. One of its connotations indicates a sense of urgency. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and both are concerned with communication. It is with urgency I share these messages with you.
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Metaphysical Girlis available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. After that date, the price goes to full retail at $9.99, so order your copy soon! Your card will be charged at publication.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Do you remember The Sneetches of Dr. Seuss fame? It was written in 1961 and intended to be a satire of discrimination between races and cultures. When I look at the news or read an online paper, it seems we are living as either the “star-bellied Sneetch” or the “ones without stars upon thars.” The polarity on any issue or between groups has risen to maddening levels. Watch the video version of the story below.
One thing that struck me when I first watched this many years ago was the Ones Without Stars standing on the outer edges of the Star-Bellied Folk and wishing they were part of that crowd. Why did they not just make their own fun and live their own lives? Hoping for someone else to include you in their group seems foreign to me. Where was their imagination and creative spirit? Just because someone excludes you from something they are doing does not mean that you are not valuable in your own right. It seems we are taking others\’ choices and decisions as a personal affront.
Fortunately, in our divided world, some people are taking a stand and going their own way while thriving despite would-be restrictions. In Australia, former restaurant consumers sit outside these establishments having picnics and visiting with people along the sidewalks. They may be on the edge of the Passport-Wielding Star-Bellied folk, but they are making their own fun. This same idea is going on in France.
A group of 2,500 airline professionals has joined a hub started by a Canadian pilot. They, along with would-be passengers, can fly without receiving the shot mandated on most other airlines. This pilot saw an opportunity to provide a service folks needed. Through his initiative, Free to Fly was born.
Prior to the pandemic lockdowns, roughly 3% of the US student population was homeschooled. As of August 2021, that number stands at 11% of American students being taught outside of the traditional public school system. This growing phenomenon is nationwide and encompasses those on both sides of the political spectrum. These students are not from the stereotypical hyper-religious, gun-toting, ignorant families that anti-homeschooling advocates would like you to believe. This trend has hit a tipping point where acceptance of the advantages of homeschooling far outweigh the criticisms some will try to throw at it. Education done under the homeschool umbrella can be as simple as kids studying around the kitchen table or several families joining together to facilitate learning in \”pods.\” Children taught this way can take day-long field trips to places and get a one-on-one experience. Families can do road trips with their vacation time and learn a new language and culture. There are many models to try if you want to be in charge of your children\’s education.
Others are pointing out the unfairness of their country\’s mandates and requirements. There are impressively substantial peaceful protests in Italy, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and even in China, filling major cities\’ streets. In fact, China has seen a massive uptick in the number of protests due to the draconian measures the CCP has perpetrated against its own people. The CCP has long cracked down on the practitioners of Falun Gong, a peaceful spiritual practice. When they are tossed into camps and prisons, the forced organ harvesting of these folks and other political dissidents has furthered that country\’s medical techniques in transplant surgery. The other countries and protests in America are resisting the shot passports that inhibit the livelihoods of tax-paying citizens of these areas.
Though the police and other authorities try to break up protests in Italy using water cannons and fire hoses, the Italians sing and dance while holding each other in the street. First Responders in Seattle brought their uniform boots to city officials as they walk-off the job over the shot mandates. Australian Police also left their job instead of enforcing lock-down rules. Doctors, nurses, firefighters, lawyers, teachers, and regular workers in France, and around the globe, left their employers voluntarily instead of taking the shot. Choosing body autonomy by refusing medical tyranny is a worldwide reality for many folks.
It seems there is no need for the Fix-it-up Chappy, Sylvester McMonkey McBean. Humanity is taking itself into its own hands. Those without Stars, i.e., passports, shots, masks, or fear, are finding their own way. As more people discover their innate power, the control the governments attempt to inflict will be met with indifference. My husband and I found a haven with each other during the beginning lock-downs. Here is my fictionalized version of how we thrived- The Lady and the Warrior in the Land of Kwarinteen. You may want to dam a river, but it will find its way around or through any obstacle put in its path. So goes the human spirit. I wrote about this phenomenon in the post Humanity Can Not Be Squelched.
What I encourage you to do, is live. Live your life your way. If you desire to take the shot, please do. If you are not inclined to take it- for whatever reason- then don\’t. We can not make decisions for other people, nor should we. We are each on a journey of self-discovery and soul growth. What we each do with the lives we are given is up to us and us alone. Suppose we allow others to influence, persuade or force us to do something against our own judgment or inclinations. In that case, we will be living with that consequence. If we attempt to unduly influence or force others to bend to our will, we bear the brunt of the karma that action brings to our door. Let us live and let live.
~To learn how Catherine thrived in the midst of depression and despair, check out Metaphysical Girl, now available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
We each have our own inner child. This person, energy, or inner self is you when you were small. When we are young, we are the center of our own small world. We believe everyone and everything is here for us and because of us. If our childhood was happy and all our needs were met, we usually do not have problems as adults with our inner child kicking up a fuss. This circumstance is the exception. We are more likely to experience some kind of lack as we grew to adulthood and this is where a life-long struggle in some area of our existence begins.
Our inner child causes problems when we do not take care of ourselves. When we care for others\’ needs and we do without, our inner child tries to get our attention in the way a child would. They use non-verbal cues such as pain so that you are stalled in any outward efforts. You are forced to do something for yourself. They also use emotions. When you feel upset or depressed, your inner being needs to be soothed. When we criticize ourselves instead of encouraging, we invite our child-like energy to be uncooperative which brings on more things to criticize.
We are part of the universe and therefore deserve love and attention as much as the next person. We can not be effective in any endeavor if we are not in tip-top shape physically or emotionally. Our inner child seeks to keep us balanced. They bring your awareness to your physical being and encourage you to check in. If subtle hints are not enough, they employ stronger, more urgent means. Paying attention to yourself is more important than you realize.
As soon as you feel something isn\’t right, immediately call your Inner Child and see what is going on. Place your hand on your midsection just above the bellybutton. Take in a cleansing breath and blow it out slowly. Ask him/her, \”What\’s up?\” Your Inner Child will answer in pictures and thoughts. Give them time to appear to your inner mind. Once you figure out what he/she\’s afraid of, ask your Inner Child this question, \”What can I do to make you feel more comfortable?\”
Sometimes the answer is that he/she just needs a hug or to be held, and the reassurance that you are there. When your Inner Child needs this kind of comforting, imagine picking her up and holding her close. Imagine she lays her head on your shoulder just like a flesh and blood child would do. As you imagine doing this, physically wrap your arms around yourself as though you are holding a child in your arms. You can use a pillow or stuffed animal if it helps you to connect. For several minutes rock back and forth very slowly as if you are rocking a child.
Afterward, when you put her down, physically feel her relief as she smiles up at you. Feel this relief in your abdomen/gut where you previously felt that something was wrong.
Ask your Inner Child to go with a friend from your Inner Child\’s playground, watch them both head back together, walking hand in hand. Your Inner Child turns around briefly to smile and wave. The sadness lifts almost instantly. Express gratitude for all. Return to your day\’s tasks feeling focused and balanced.
When you ignore your own needs and desires, you make an unwanted enemy of yourself. Give yourself the attention that you deserve so that you make friends with life. We are all responsible for ourselves and only we can genuinely know what will make us feel better. When we care for others, we are merely guessing what they truly desire, even when they tell us in great detail. We are limited by our own perception of the situation. Our wholeness and contentment will spill over onto other people and allow them to feel better just by being in your presence. Your inner child is here to help you do just that.
Image- Child Asleep (The Rosebud) detail- 1841 Thomas Sully American Metropolitan Museum of Art Open Access Collection
~ ~ Learn more ways to help yourself from Catherine Denton in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered My Mental Health Pre-Order Now! Available at Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Metaphysical Girlis available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. After that date, the price goes to full retail at $9.99, so order your copy soon! Your card will be charged at publication.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online book stores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
I worked for a podiatrist for several years. Patients would come in with hurting feet and ankles, exclaiming, “When your feet hurt, you hurt all over!” I knew what they meant. Headaches were my nemesis. Like the sufferers who came to our office, I would hurt everywhere when the pain in my head struck. Our weakest point can make us miserable. Once the painful foot or head was given relief, the body felt okay again.
Our bodies are the microcosm in the macrocosm of the world. When one of us suffers, the rest of us feel it. We can go about our day, take care of business, and be with our loved ones, but there is this nagging splinter in the background. Unconsciously we search for relief. Food, drugs, alcohol, adventure, romance, or drama are sought for a deliverance that is never achieved. Addiction plays a nasty trick on our minds and hearts. Awareness of the root problem brings the release we need but not the fix we crave. It is said, you must hit bottom before you are willing to admit your problem.
Our reality is created by us. Our beliefs and behaviors enforce or deter what we experience in the world. What you give out, consciously or unconsciously, comes back to you. Our emotions give our intentions power. Do you express heartfelt gratitude, or do you say thank you so that you will get what you want? Do you declare \”Sorry\” like a child trying to get out of trouble, or are you genuinely apologetic for your behavior? The world becomes what we are, and reality reflects that back to us. What existence are we creating?
In the first Matrix movie, a child speaks to Neo about bending a spoon-
Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you\’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends. It is only yourself.
Looking at the news and world situation, we reflect on what we believe and how we behave as a collective. We, as individuals, have no control of the mob. It would be like trying to bend the spoon. Healing our own issues alleviates some of the collective sufferings. This is the bending of yourself. Understanding the need for us to adjust instead of demanding the world adapt to us is the key. The mirrored world will only show you the person looking into the mirror. If you see a face that needs shaving in the reflection, you do not put the razor to the glass.
Those of us who are called to be healers do not heal others. We are here to hold the mirror, allowing you to see with clarity the wound within you. Once a person can own and see how they are responsible for their suffering, they can heal it themselves. I have had clients that insist they are fine- everyone else is the problem. I help them see there is no one else- only you. Just like there is no spoon. It is a difficult concept to grasp. Once it is, you aren\’t likely to forget it when circumstances show you your part in the big picture again.
In the movie, the spoon boy has several bent spoons on the floor in front of him. He has bent himself and his self-work has bent the spoons, and they stay that way. When Neo bends, he eventually curls his spoon but gets distracted by a person calling his name. His spoon becomes straight again. Learning to bend our reality, invoking our healing takes time and effort. Distractions will happen. Once we realize that our adjustment or bending is the transformation we seek, our restoration will appear in the world. Believing and behaving to reinforce the reality you desire becomes the permanently bent spoons in front of the boy. It is now a way of life instead of a sporadic occurrence.
The Other does not exist. There is only you. When you understand this concept, healing yourself means healing the world will no longer be impossible to grasp. Our world is our collective reflection. If we see injustice, where do we deny ourselves due process and honesty? Are we in denial about something? Do we lie to ourselves? If we see poverty, where are we feeling lack or inadequate? Do we withhold love from ourselves? Do we demand more from ourselves than we can give? If we see corruption, where have we misrepresented or polluted ourselves? Do we harm ourselves with food we know isn\’t good for us? Do we hide our imperfections and transgressions from ourselves?
Knowing there is no Other can be freeing. If we are the only ones to worry about and deal with, it is a simple matter of adjusting our beliefs and behaviors. The world we experience will have to conform to the new person we are. Who we are reflects outward. Looking deep within and healing our wounds is the answer to changing our reality. Individuals doing this en masse will fix the world\’s problems.
~ ~ Read the healing story of Catherine Denton in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered My Mental Health Pre-Order Now! Available at Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Thiel- You are loved. Indeed you are love itself. For this is your core self and we would have you know this truth. You are remembering this. Allow it to fill you to the brim and beyond. When do you feel this love, Katana?
Me– When I see my children, my dog, my husband, my parents. When I am outside in the forest, looking at water. Lots of places.
Thiel– When do you not feel this love?
Me– When I struggle with my perception of myself, when I am feeling lost and alone.
Thiel- What is the difference in the situations?
Me– I don\’t know.
Thiel- We see love in all and through all. For that is it\’s make-up. We see perfection. We see the hidden. We feel the honesty and clarity of each things. There is no distinction for us on this plane. You are sitting on a fence between two worlds, between 2 ways of being. It is as if you have one foot on one fence top and another foot on the other fence top and the fences are getting further and further apart stretching you in two pieces until you must choose one fence top or the other and before you fall into the abyss. You will choose for self preservation will win out over all other feelings. The stronger of the two feet will allow you to choose the fence that is best for you. Feed the foot you wish to choose. You will then find the struggle easier to manage and the choice won\’t be hard at all. Each must make this choice so You are not alone or managing this fear-filled journey alone. There is no fear where we are and you will come to this realization when you are ready to feel that.
Give yourself a break and do not demand your idea of perfection as it serves no purpose except to feed the ego mind. All is perfection from our perspective and it needs no explanation for itself to be as it is. Allow yourself to look in the mirror and see the perfection we see. Transform your vision and feel the perfection we feel. We are all one and have no need for individual separation except to allow each aspect to have a chance to learn and grow and shine and have purpose in all things. Realization is wonderful for it allows the all to feel the wonderousness of beginning through each aspect. To begin a journey as a new thing is exciting and fresh. We all glory in that feeling and enjoy experiencing it with you and you and you. We would that all feel the joy we feel all the time and the beginning of a thing is the closest time you feel that joy in this existence. Allow the foot to choose it\’s fence top and choose your path without the struggle. You will not fall or regret. This is our message for now.
~ I met Thiel in my meditations in June of 2015 during a Gemini Full Moon while Mercury was retrograde. They indicated that they were from the 6th & 7th plane. We had 29 conversations over 3 1/2 years. Interestingly, in astrology, the 29º in any sign is considered a critical degree. One of its connotations indicates a sense of urgency. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and both are concerned with communication. It is with urgency I share these messages with you.
~ ~ Read the Thiel story by Catherine Denton in Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered My Mental Health Pre-Order Now! Available at Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.
Metaphysical Girl: How I Recovered my Mental Health, 2nd Edition in E-Book format on Smashwords! The day has finally arrived to unveil my memoir detailing my journey out of despair, confusion, and a mental illness diagnosis.
Metaphysical Girlis available for Pre-Order for $7.99 until the publication date of December 26th, 2021. After that date, the price goes to full retail at $9.99, so order your copy soon! Your card will be charged at publication.
Smashwords is the largest distributor of E-Books on the internet and has been an invaluable partner in making this project happen. You will be able to find this book at your favorite online bookstores and mobile apps where e-books are sold, such as Smashwords, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo
More stores are being added to the Smashwords distribution list, so stay in touch!
Cathy Denton
Catherine Denton is a Metaphysician living in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Check out her musing on family, life, health, and various metaphysical topics.