Many mornings I walk a 2.4 mile loop up through my neighborhood and back. I pass houses, yards, and street-signs as I wend my way listening to birds, insects and the occasional motor vehicle. Today is Easter Morn and nature was in full throat as the temperature kept to a brisk 39°F.
I love the mornings and feel my best during those early hours when some folks are still drowsy with sleep. The past few months have been a challenge. We had a family member die, another discovered a new health issue while my husband and I were laid low with the recent virus. Creativity flew out the window. No writing, no painting, no trying new recipes…nada, zilch. It was gone along with any motivation except to put one foot in front of the other. Jon and I are back to our routine now and in much better health but stress takes its toll on a body.
This morning was different. It was as if the heavens opened up and shone down on me. I felt more alive and capable than I have in weeks. The song-bird choir and insect symphony eased my over-wrought emotions as I bounced back home in my stretchy pants and Sketchers. Christ had risen on that Eastern Morning long ago. I now felt lifted up as well. It was a New Day.
How are you dealing with life in this moment? Has it felt heavy and oppressive or just long and tedious? I chose to gift myself with feeling the stress of recent events. Examining my reactions and vowing to respond instead, in the future. Grief and sadness are meant to give you pause. Suppressing those feelings are a sure way to make them come up in ways not healthy.
I read a piece from a blogger I like. It was quite hopeful and inspiring. In essence it said to focus our energies and intentions on what we DO want and CAN control. Our fears and frustrations feed the monster at the door. May we all feel risen anew on this Easter Day. Make it a new dawning for you and your family. May you be blessed.
Image by ray jennings from Pixabay