Use as needed
People that are sensitive to energy or perhaps suddenly become energetically charged, may want to remove those heavy, overwhelming feelings from their bodies. Empaths, those who regularly feel the moods, feelings, pain, or intentions, need to cleanse their aura of others\’ stuff. Allowing energy that you did not invite to stay with you can interfere with your intuition, physical being, and mood. Once you are cognizant of how you feel without others\’ influence, it is easier to identify when something is off. Practice this technique until it is automatic. Once it is on auto-pilot, just your intention stated in your mind will be enough to cleanse your field.
To be used whenever you come home after being out in public or whenever you feel a heaviness in your being. Good to use if you forgot to Bubble-Up before you went out. Can be used as often as you feel the need.
Stand up and take your hands and run them down the parts of your body (from top of head to feet) you can reach while saying these words:
By intention, I command the energies and entities that do not serve me for my highest good to be released from me and lovingly sent back to the Creator, into the light.
I release them from my front from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
I release them from my right side from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
I release them from my back from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
I release them from my left side from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
Use your hands to draw a circle around your body while saying these words:
I now, by intention, encircle myself with loving white light and repair my damaged aura.
Thank you!
It is done. It is done. It is done.
~ Knight, Death, and the Devil (Detail) Albrecht Dürer, 1513
The Metropolitan Museum of Art open Access Collection