Good prior to stressful situations.
Use this before you leave your home or before a gathering at your home…
…Everything vibrates at various levels of existence. Frequency is not just something we hear. We can also feel this energy if we are paying attention.
\”Come on, Daisha! Why won\’t you marry me?\” begs Darren as they pull away from the dock. He waited until they were going out to sea to bring up the subject. Daisha was known to walk away from personal confrontations in the past. He was taking no chances.
Read MoreThiel- You are loved. Indeed you are love itself. These messages I give to you are not just for you but for the greater world and all that inhabit it. You are a part of this world and a messenger of sorts to those in our sphere. This sphere will widen and expand as you are known by more and more. This is a good thing and not to be feared by you.
Read MoreI admit to being a “go along to get along” person for much of my young life on into early adulthood. I had questions back then but did not desire to stir the pot and put myself in the light of my family\’s attention. Now that I have dumped much of my childhood trauma and baggage, I find my voice has taken wings thanks to my love of writing and the internet. I am now compelled to speak my questions in the public square, which at this time is social media and my personal blog.
Read MoreNecessity is the Mother of Invention along with Don\’t Spit into the Wind are the two sayings that I feel characterize the coming years after our recent break with reality. Coming to a hard stop across the planet has induced a kind of time-warp and re-evaluation of our individual circumstances. Since gathering in groups is frowned upon right now, looking into the depths of our psyche is nearly our only option. I also think it is long overdue.
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