The Peaceful Side of the Smokies
Since early Spring, I have been walking the trail that surrounds Townsend and flanks Hwy 321 to the Smoky Mountains. I go once a week or so, parking at Apple Valley and strolling to Mountain Ave, just shy of Tremont Lodge & Resort. For this hour, I am immersed in the sights, sounds, smells, and essence of this peaceful side of the Smokies. Communing with nature this way keeps me grounded and active.
I love getting up early for the sunrise and feeling the light permeate my being. I am transported to youthful days spent playing outside, flying kites, and catching fireflies. Sauntering along the trail, I notice the freshly mowed edge and higher growth beyond. Blackberries loaded with miniature red fruit twine amidst the fragrant honeysuckle and grasses. Red worms dot the broken asphalt path while Robins wait for me to pass so they can scoop up an easy meal. Bird choirs sing a call & response tune as small animals rustle in the woods up the hill. Insects provide a background buzz of life that resonates in the morning air.
My stride is paused now and again to take in the sun peeking through clouds or rising above the mountain just ahead. Vehicles pass by heading toward the Park or back to Maryville, heedless of the life that surrounds them steps away. Businesses begin to open, enticing some travelers to sample their offerings. Beautifully landscaped gated communities, event buildings, art centers, and lodgings are scattered along the trail. The occasional cyclist or dog walker passes me, waving or wishing me a good morning as I trek along.
A decorative water wheel greets me with its wooden paddles and pool of water beneath. A creek, too shallow for baptizing, babbles over flat, rounded stones as it wends through the landscape. I smell the wet earth from a recent rain and notice muddy indentions near the transition from the trail and a driveway. In the shadier areas, moss creeps along the edge of the asphalt, attempting to stealthily overtake the path. Trees provide a canopy, protecting travelers while allowing wind to whistle through their leaves.
Townsend is a pretty little village near the Smoky Mountain Park entrance. I am fortunate to live in close proximity to this lovely town on the peaceful side of the smokies. Look around where you live and explore areas you may have yet to think to take a 2nd look. Be in nature, however it presents itself to you. Experience your home’s doorstep, backyard, or potted house plant. These places have something to share. Allow it in so that it may enhance your life. You will not regret it.